Freedom of Information in the marketplace is one of the three keys to a functioning capitalist economy, according to economist Adam Smith, the acknowledged father of capitalism. It informs self-interest, which allows the market to work as well as possible.
Just one tiny part of what we as "consumers in a (supposedly) free market" are entitled to is truth in labelling on our products. This includes country of origin labelling (CoOL) for things like fresh fruit and veges. In an era where out of season grapes or whatever can cross the world - possibly depriving local markets to gain higher profits here in NZ, with all the associated costs to the planet from the use of fuel and emissions - it seems not only just and democratic but common sense that vendors be required to supply country of origin information.
The reason it isn't, of course, is because some importers don't want that information made available, for the very reason it might affect our decision. So our government (National and Labour) keep the shades pulled on us - so much for an "open market".
Send the PM a postcard asking him to fix this.
This is just one tiny example of the topic that I'm going to be exploring over the coming weeks, months. Adam Smith laid out very clear rules for good market performance, and ever since (especially since the 1970s), his philosophy has been exploited, distorted and paid lip service to in ways that would horrify him.
Enlightened self-interest is a delicate mechanism enough. Trying to make decisions on what's in your best interest while companies and corporations are spendng millions to hide and distort information; which our governments allow it to happen; and then justify their non intervention in the name of a "free market"...?
It is an absolute abomination. Not only is it anti-democratic, it is anti-capitalist. It is the thoughtless collaboration of elites, the product of governments thinking about their self-interest, rather than its citizens' self-interest. And guess what the information in the market tells government their self-interest is?
Growth, growth, profit. Lowest common denominator. Make us rich, and everything for everyone will be all right....
Governments are vulnerable. Like the media, they are truly dumb and blind. When they hear this song of wealth, and the people are misinformed, marginalised, or silent, what choice do they have but to go along with it?
This is the story of the world, and a song that has played us like fools here in NZ since 1984. But there is huge potential for change, maybe not this government, but maybe the next election, or the next. We just have to work out what we want... and ask.
Honestly, our system only benefits 20% of the population and is ruining the environment at the same time. Real change, real soon.... it's only a matter of time.
Start by sending Mr Key a postcard.
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